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The Plumtree Marketing Blog

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Marketing tips, thoughts and expert advice for small business owners and other professionals
How to Deliver Bad News to a Client

How to Deliver Bad News to a Client

It’s a fact: Sooner or later you’ll have to deliver difficult news to a client. Perhaps you made a mistake or missed a deadline. Maybe a delivery will be delayed, prices have gone up or credit has been denied. Whatever it is, how you present the news (i.e. how you...

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The Multimillion-Dollar Punctuation Error

The Multimillion-Dollar Punctuation Error

There’s a popular meme about the importance of punctuation: What’s the difference between “Let’s eat Grandma” and “Let’s eat, Grandma”? When you leave out the comma, Grandma goes from being the dinner guest to being the dinner entrée! As a 2017 court case proves,...

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