As a marketing writer, I write about a wide range of products and services. Sometimes when friends ask me about my latest projects, they seem surprised that I can muster excitement about a given topic. But to me, “boring” is in the eye of the beholder. If a seemingly “dull” product solves your problems or improves your life, then these benefits—and the product that brings them—are anything but “dull” to you.
Turning ugly ducklings into beauty queens
No matter how unglamorous your product might be on the surface, focusing on the “inner beauty” of the benefits it brings (in other words, the “what’s in it for me?” factor) will always make it shine. Here are some examples from my client files over the years:
Durable and odor-free commercial diaper pails – Who can get excited about diaper pails? You would… if you were running a childcare center or skilled nursing facility, and had first-hand experience with pails that not only leave the entire facility reeking of dirty diapers, they also fall apart after a few months’ use.
Pre-printed forms for dental offices – Dental office managers might be hard-pressed to get excited about laser statement forms. But once they understand how pre-printed, perforated forms save money and speed payments, the “boring” factor starts to fade away.
Medical lien funding – Medical lien funding is a way for accident victims who do not have medical insurance to obtain immediate funding for medical treatment. To most people, it’s an obscure financial product. But for an injured car crash victim who needs surgery now—not months or years from now when his court case finally settles, medical lien funding is a real godsend.
Telephone and internet carrier services – This is a decidedly dull topic…until you find out that there’s no extra charge to have an expert manage your business’ carrier services for you in such a way that you pay less and get better performance, hassle-free support and an optimized technology environment.
Mortuary services – Who wants to think about mortuary services? No one (not even those in need of the service!) But when a loved one dies and to honor their wishes you need to ship the body around the world, getting it there in time to meet strict religious burial requirements, it’s a huge relief to learn that a local provider can do this for you.