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Don’t Make It All About You

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Marketing Differentiation, Writing

Many companies make the common mistake of focusing their marketing text almost exclusively on themselves. “We this,” “our that,” “we’re proud of this,” etc. While a certain amount of self-centeredness is appropriate, you’ve got to keep in mind the fact that your prospective customers don’t really care about you. They care about themselves. What they really want to know is what you can do for them.

This is why when you’re writing the text for your website, brochure, sales letter, etc., you’ll get the best results if you keep the focus on your prospects and their needs. What your potential customers want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” You need to clearly answer this question, and you need to do it in a relatable way that makes the message about them and not about you.

Same information, different focus

For example, every page of your website (even the “About Us” page!) is another opportunity to show the reader how you are going to meet their needs. Yes, your website will be presenting a lot of information about you. But you need to try to present this information in a way that makes it all come across as significant benefits for the reader.

Here are some “before and after” examples that demonstrate how messages can be reworded to make this happen:

Company focus: We carry the largest selection of annuals, perennials and herbs in the state.
Reader focus: To help you transform your yard into a garden paradise, XYZ Garden Center carries the largest selection of annuals, perennials and herbs in the state.

Company focus: We are committed to simplifying our customers’ lives by providing personal assistance via the Internet and telephone.
Reader focus: Work with a company that respects the value of your time! With XYZ Company the personal assistance you expect is always just a phone call or email away.

Company focus: We are also a valuable resource for costume news and trends through our informative blog posts and online discussions.
Reader focus: Stay on top of costume industry news and trends with our informative blog posts and online discussions.

Company focus: We sell stylish, advertisement-free reusable grocery and tote bags.
Reader focus: Why pay for the privilege of being a walking billboard for your local store? Now you can get great-looking, long-lasting reusable bags without any advertisements at all!