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Giving Back

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Miscellaneous

What has your business done for your community lately? What I’ve seen is that many business owners do a lot to give back to their communities on a personal level, but then fail to recognize the benefits of giving back on the business level.

Yes, giving back has its own rewards. Beyond that, it can also be used to create positive publicity for your business, because people like to do business with companies that are committed to making a positive difference in the world. It’s no surprise that so many organizations include “giving” as a formal part of their marketing plans. Although charity begins at home, it certainly doesn’t have to end there!

While many large corporations have formal programs to give back to the community in a big way (such as Target, which gives away millions of dollars each week), your company can make an impact on a much more modest budget.

The options are endless

There are many ways that your business can give back to your community. Here are 16 ideas:

  1. Donate your excess inventory to a charitable organization.
  2. Collect food for a local food bank, with a drop-off box in your store or office.
  3. Provide pro bono services to charitable organizations or local individuals in need.
  4. Plant trees in a local park to demonstrate your commitment to the environment and “going green.”
  5. Organize a neighborhood clean-up with a trash pick up or graffiti removal day.
  6. Host a blood drive for the Red Cross or a local hospital.
  7. Sponsor a children’s sports team such as Little League or AYSO.
  8. Speak at a career day at a local school.
  9. Buy locally as much as possible in order to support local businesses.
  10. Sponsor a local event such as a marathon, fair or concert.
  11. Offer discounts to community heroes such as veterans, teachers, medical personnel, police officers and firefighters.
  12. Put a collection jar on the counter and then deliver the donations to your designated charity.
  13. Host community-building events at your facility, such as fundraisers, local performances, community game nights or neighborhood mixers.
  14. Give employees paid volunteer time so that they can do good while “on the clock.”
  15. Match donations to a charity that is a good fit for your business’ mission and values.
  16. Collect holiday gifts for local children and then deliver them as a team.